AVS Operator Guide

Operator Guide

This guide contains the steps needed to set up and register your node for GoPlus AVS (testnet/mainnet).

Minimal system requirements

Minimal stake requirements

  1. GoAltLayer MACH AVS Mainnet - 1 ETH

  2. GoAltLayer MACH AVS Testnet - 1 wei

Supported token strategy

Beacon Chain Ether and all ETH-based LSTs supported by EigenLayer are supported by our AVS.

πŸ’‘ Currently, only quorum[0] is available. Other quorums will be opened in the future.

Currently active AVS

Operator setup

Key generation and wallet funding

  1. Follow EigenLayer guide and Install EigenLayer CLI

  2. Generate ECDSA and BLS keypair using the following command

    eigenlayer operator keys create --key-type ecdsa [keyname]
    eigenlayer operator keys create --key-type bls [keyname]

Please ensure you backup your private keys to a safe location. By default, the encrypted keys will be stored in ~/.eigenlayer/operator_keys/. Fund at least 0.3 ETH to the ECDSA address generated. It will be required for node registration in the later steps.

Register on EigenLayer as an operator

You may skip the following steps if you are already a registered operator on the EigenLayer testnet.

You will need to do it once for testnet and once for mainnet.

  1. Create the configuration files needed for operator registration using the following commands. Follow the step-by-step prompt. Once completed, operator.yaml and metadata.json will be created.

    eigenlayer operator config create
  2. Edit metadata.json and fill in your operator's details.

      "name": "Example Operator",
      "website": "<https://example.com/>",
      "description": "Example description",
      "logo": "<https://example.com/logo.png>",
      "twitter": "<https://twitter.com/example>"
  3. Upload metadata.json to a public URL. Then update the operator.yaml file with the url (metadata_url). If you need hosting service to host the metadata, you can consider uploading the metadata gist and get the raw url.

  4. If this is your first time registering this operator, run the following command to register and update your operator

    eigenlayer operator register operator.yaml

    Upon successful registration, you should see

    βœ… Operator is registered successfully to EigenLayer

    If you need to edit the metadata in the future, simply update metadata.json and run the following command

    eigenlayer operator update operator.yaml
  5. After your operator has been registered, it will be reflected on the EigenLayer operator page. Testnet: https://holesky.eigenlayer.xyz/operator Mainnet: https://app.eigenlayer.xyz/operator

You can also check the operator registration status using the following command.

eigenlayer operator status operator.yaml

Joining GoPlus AVS

GoPlus AVS Setup

Clone the GoPlus AVS repository

Run the following command to clone the GoPlus AVS operator repository

git clone https://github.com/GoPlusSecurity/GoPlus-AVS

Inside this repository, we have configurations for various GoPlus AVS. Different .env configurations determine whether AVS runs on Mainnet or Testnet.

Prepare Configuration File

  • Run make copy-config; this command will create an .env configuration file in the project's root directory.

  • Fill in the configuration settings in .env:

    • COMPOSE_FILE_PATH: Path where AVS stores Docker Compose files; replace with an empty and permission-appropriate folder path.

    • OPERATOR_ADDRESS: Hex string of operator's address.

    • BLS_KEY_STORE_PATH: Path to BLS keystore generated by eigenlayer operator keys create --key-type bls.

    • NODE_CLASS: AVS node class, defaults to "xl" and does not need modification.

    • API_PORT: Port for communication with Gateway; any available port is acceptable.

    • OPERATOR_URL: URL path for Gateway access. If not using DNS, set it to http://{Host IP}:{API_PORT}, for example,

    • QUORUM_NUMS: 0

    • ETH_RPC: RPC address. The program uses the RPC address to distinguish between the testnet and mainnet. You can use RPC addresses from providers like Alchemy.

    • REGISTRY_COORDINATOR_ADDR, OPERATOR_STATE_RETRIEVER: Copy the deployment addresses for the corresponding network from the README.md.

Example .env for Mainnet:


Example .env for Testnet:


To opt-in

Before you opt-in to GoPlus AVS, please ensure that you have the right infrastructure to keep the operator up and running. Non-performing AVS operators may be subjected to ejection out of GoPlus AVS.

The ECDSA private key is used only once in reg-with-avs and dereg-with-avs steps, so for security reasons, we recommend removing the ECDSA keystore file after completing these operations.

  1. Run export BLS_KEY_PASSWORD=... to export the password to BLS keystore file.

  2. Run make build-avs to compile AVS.

  3. Run make reg-with-avs to register. During execution, the user will be prompted to enter the path to the ECDSA keystore file and corresponding password.

It may take a few minutes for EigenLayer AVS and operator page to be updated This is an automatic process.

To opt-out

If you no longer want to run the AVS, you can opt out by running make dereg-with-avs.

Start GoPlus AVS

GoPlus AVS runtime can be deployed in two ways: as a standalone process or via Docker Compose (recommended). When using Docker Compose, all services operate in Host network mode. Please ensure the following ports are available on your host machine:

  • API_PORT (configurable)

  • 9090 (metrics)

  • 3000 (monitoring)

Mainnet configuration

  1. Start with Docker Compose:

    1. Run export BLS_KEY_PASSWORD=... to export the password to BLS keystore file.

    2. Run make build-avs-docker-mainnet to build the AVS Docker image.

    3. Run make run-avs-docker to start. This also starts Prometheus and Grafana.

  2. Start as a standalone process:

    1. Run export BLS_KEY_PASSWORD=... to export the password to BLS keystore file.

    2. Run sudo docker login -u goplusavs -p dckr_pat_wRhsTj4U7REe7IFnrgFkAOswjaM to log in.

    3. Run make run-avs to start.

Testnet configuration

  1. Start with Docker Compose:

    1. Run export BLS_KEY_PASSWORD=... to export the password to BLS keystore file.

    2. Run make build-avs-docker-testnet to build the AVS Docker image.

    3. Run make run-avs-docker to start. This also starts Prometheus and Grafana.

  2. Start as a standalone process:

    1. Run export BLS_KEY_PASSWORD=... to export the password to BLS keystore file.

    2. Run sudo docker login -u joker1034 -p dckr_pat_MH5qjNWvS3iahu8--rK4wW7NbEM to log in.

    3. Run make run-avs to start.

Check AVS Running Status

  1. Connectivity Check

    • Send a request to {OPERATOR_URL}/avs/ping to check the connectivity of the AVS web service.

  2. Secware Running Status

    • AVS will periodically request Secware configuration from the Gateway and run Secware in Docker. It also regularly reports Secware's health status to the Gateway.

    • Run sudo docker compose ls to view Secware's running status.

If AVS is running in a Docker Compose environment, you can access Grafana at http://{OPERATOR_URL}:3000 to view monitoring data. The default username and password are goplus_avs/admin.

Last updated