Architecture Overview

Fundamental Layers

GoPlus Network is a decentralized security data and security service network designed to cater to users' diverse security needs throughout the transaction process. The network is primarily composed of the Security Data Layer and the Security Compute Layer which operates on a permissionless, open, and user-driven basis, allowing any developer to join and provide corresponding security solutions based on users' security requirements at different stages of the transaction lifecycle, such as anti-scam, anti-phishing, and anti-MEV. This approach enables all security developers, data providers and compute node operators to participate and collaborate in offering superior security services to users, ultimately creating a more secure Web3 on-chain interaction environment.

Security Data Layer

By leveraging a decentralized approach to collect, process, and store security-related data, the network ensures the integrity, authenticity, and reliability of the data. This decentralized security data layer serves as a solid foundation for the network's security services, enabling more accurate and effective security solutions.

Security Compute Layer

The GoPlus Network leverages AVS Operators, which are distributed nodes responsible for executing security-related computations and validations. These operators handle tasks such as verifying transaction security analysis results, detecting potential security threats, and simulating transactions. By distributing the security computation workload across multiple AVS Operators, the network achieves enhanced scalability, fault tolerance, and improved resilience against single points of failure. AVS Operators ensure the stability and efficiency of the network by delivering real-time security services, which are essential to safeguarding users' on-chain interactions.

User Security Module

At the heart of the GoPlus Network lies the User Security Module (USM), which serves as the entry point and conduit for the entire network's services. USM integrates various security services into infrastructures and dApps, permeating every aspect of user interaction. With its highly pluggable, lightweight, easy-to-integrate, and multi-chain compatible features, USM seamlessly integrates with the RPC services, chains, and various RaaS providers, filling the gaps in the architectural of the chains themselves regarding user security issues.


Moreover, GoPlus Network provides all users with a comprehensive security product called SecWareX. Through this product, users can exercise full control over their asset security and configure various risk control and security policies tailored to their individual needs. SecWareX and USM form a close collaboration and interconnection, ultimately achieving a complete closed loop from security intent to secure transactions.


In summary, GoPlus Network offers a comprehensive security solution for the Web3 on-chain trading environment through its decentralized security data and service network, open security service ecosystem, highly pluggable and easy-to-integrate USM, and user-centric SecWareX security product. The network's architecture not only meets users' security needs but also provides ample opportunities for security developers and service providers to participate, demonstrating immense potential for future growth and adoption. With its emphasis on decentralized security data and innovative Security Compute Nodes, GoPlus Network is well-positioned to revolutionize user security of Web3.

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